By now I think you have all realized I’m not a blog per day blogger.  I do however aim to provide you with at least one or two in-my-head ramblings per week. This week I have started and not finished about 3 entries.  I have never claimed to be a great good writer and usually when I get “blog block” I move on to another task, in this latest instance I started to look through some of my favorite blogs and noticed there was a party going on and I had almost missed it!

So, let me introduce myself

I’m Tanya.

That’s me on the left.  I HATE pictures of myself and the only ones that survive the delete button are ones of me with friends or family.  The hottie on the right is my sister Pam.  My goal is to take a picture of myself this week to include in this blog.  Stay tuned.

I have 3 handsome gentlemen in my life, one of which is my husband Ken. We have been married for almost 15 years now and were married when we were quite young.  I feel very fortunate that we grew together instead of apart like statistics dictated we would.   He’s my best friend, He’s funny, He’s a Gentleman.

Cody and Ben are my Sons.  Cody is 14 and has changed from a boy to a gentleman overnight.  His favorite sport is Lacrosse and he wants to be a firefighter when he grows up.  He’s very animated, we often compare him to Jim Carey and always wonder what he’s going to do or say next.

This is Ben.  He just turned 12.  He likes to bike ride, play lacrosse and play with his iPod.  He’s a lot more focused and serious then his brother.   While he hasn’t quite figured out what he wants to do when he grows up,  he’s doing what he should be doing, playing with his friends and just being a Kid.  Ben is very attentive and responsive to emotions around him.  No one hugs like Benjamin, he gives you his heart every time.

I created this blog to document memories for them. When I was about 11 we went on a family trip to Florida.  During the trip my mom kept a diary and when we got home she posted the pictures from the trip along with her diary entries into an album.  That’s the same thing I’d like to create for my boys, a day-to-day “Florida album” so they can not only look at the pictures and recall their memories but also read the blogs and see the events through my eyes.  It’s my way of showing them how much I cherish them and our time together… they are growing up way too quickly.

As I mentioned earlier, I’m not a writer.  As a kid I remember looking through books at the library to see the pictures, it was the pictures that were the deciding factor as to whether I was going to check the book out or not.  I take the same approach with my blog.   I absolutely love photography and In the process of creating my blog, I have found incredible inspiration in so many others; so inspired in fact that I can’t wait to finish this blog entry so I can go check out all the other blogs at this P-A-R-T-Y!!!!

So, with that said, Welcome to Raising Gentlemen! Thanks for stopping by.